Ali's Blog
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Kool Books
Truth Table
Blog Entries
Wounded Child, No Surviving Family
The Blurry Lines Between Ethnography and Espionage
What is a Woman?
The Palestinian Condition
Broken Pedestal: Isaiah Berlin
Self-Immolation as Protest
Should we kill predators?
Foucault and the Law of What can be Said
The Effects of Homoerotic Media on Sexual Attraction: A 10 Day Experiment
In Defence of Informed Suicide
Pulling an Arithmetic Horse Out of a Scientific Realist Hat
The Problem of Evil
Two ways of thinking
Why do we still have to work?
Another Year, Another Reminder of my Spoiling Flesh
A Culturally Relativist Worldcup
Why is being Anti-animal abuse mocked?
What is 'truth'?
Against Self-Narratives
Review of 'Monsieur Monde Vanishes'
Should society subsidise metaethicists?
Liberal Irony
رجل يصرخ على السحاب